Visual artist, born in Lisbon, discovered his interest in drawing early in childhood, having started to paint walls back in ’97. The main direction of his work is based on merging different techniques and styles. In his work he combines passions such as illustration, design, typography and graffiti, in order to find the best representation of his vision.
From hand drawn lettering, detailed illustrations or repeat patterns to personalized wedding invitations, flyer designs, website and blog banners or a cool paint in the kids room wall…
I am happy to work with you on any of your design requirements whether you are a design studio, a small business or an individual looking for a bespoke service.
Have a look through the portfolio and if you would like to commission do not hesitate to get in touch.
Available to freelance graffiti, illustration and design works.
Development of graphic elements and communication solutions, according to the needs of your business. Branding and corporate identity. Editorial design and advertising.
Graphics are everywhere, and every business needs an unique style.
Through analog or digital, bitmap or vectorial, minimal or complex, realistic or surreal. It is illustrated the ideal imaginary to implement into communication solutions, advertising, editorial, merchandising, apparel… Illustration helps your brand to stand out.
Illustration helps your brand to stand out with a personal look.
Through the techniques of graffiti, murals and interior decorations, if you are looking for a artistic solution, now you can have a real painted graffiti mural inside your shop, kids room or even in your living room…
More important than painting a wall, it’s give it a new life.
First, we will discuss all the details of your project, including the references, the purpose, the time line and the cost. Next we will move on into the sketch stage. Usually we present two sketch-design ideas (it depends on the project type) to client choose and decide into a final idea or concept.
Then we move forward into the design stage of the project, executing the inherent tasks of graphic design, illustration or mural works.
The project isn´t finished until all are happy.
I was born in the summer of 1985 in Lisbon , and in the course of that year , my parents decided to move to Lousã, where I lived and studied until I was 8 years old. Only in 1994 returned to the capital. After a childhood marked by abuse in the style of former PIDE. With nine years was no longer a child, but a young man was angry and frustrated with the naivety lost, adult created by force.
In Lisbon, the great metropolis, I passed a complicated integration, new life, new emotions and feelings; Without the violence and repression of feelings that was used; New repressions came, I needed to find something where unload all my rage, anger and frustration; increasingly alone, there were few friends and companions, I began to find on the white sheets of paper a comfort to my soul. Destroyed sheets of paper and books with characters, sketches, risks and more risks.
In 1997, it was heard talking in Expo, Lisbon was running from end to end; Already knew like the back of my hand ; Watch faces, expressions, people run in their lives, and I stopped, watching every step. I started to pay attention to a sub-culture that was born in Portugal, the Graffiti. I’ve Heard stories, watch graffiti, throwUps, tags; That made sense to me. Draw in all spaces without limits; Being able to get messages to a huge audience. I felt, in this big searching that as the life, it was part of me, was stronger than me… I took the first steps on graffiti; Benfica was the area, the mecca of Bombing in the Capital, was where I lived and was where I met the first Portuguese writers. My routine has changed, thought only of paint, tagging and spread my message, I spent the whole day catching buses and subways, running the entire city… I recently had my heteronym (one of them) scattered everywhere; Shortly after the missions began to have another connection and meaning, bolder; Kept the street actions, but the train had other bites. Grappling with graffiti began to develop a taste for photography, integrating the photography club at my school.
The new millennium was coming and I walked into Antonio Arroio, it was here that I began developing the whole creative process of making parts that was going as well as create new heteronyms for different types of action that was going materializing.
I started my working life early, about 16 years old. I started with some summer jobs, enjoyed the experience of earning my own salary, and that idea that “it was just to earn a few bucks”, was creating in me the need to ensure the livelihood of my passions… I stopped studying about 2 years, after which I returned to studies, this time in after work. My world view had changed… I spent working the 48 hours of the day…
Today I am a graphic designer and illustrator, based in Lisbon. Do graffiti since 1997, and I am a designer with influence on the streets. Paint the walls was a hobby that developed a huge passion for typography, and how a love never comes alone and live in an age where we fell in love around every corner, is common… Colors, painting, drawing, vector, tattoos, ink on my hands , watercolor, silkscreen, photography, video… The passions are being born and living within each one… Just need to be fed… It is with this love and dedication that I try to live every day… it’s All About Love !
2CarryOn AKA Marco Almeida
Post Graduation in Creative and Cultural Industries
2019 ESCS, Lisboa
Degree in Graphic Design
2018 ESAD, Caldas da Rainha
Graphic Design – High School (level 4)
2008 António Arroio, Lisboa
Design and Graphic Production
2009 ISEC, Lisboa
1997 -1999 Delfim Santos, Lisboa
Cigarretes After Spray
2021 Dedicated Store, Lisboa
Lost in Social
2019 Impaktes Visuales, Sabadell
BE FLUID – An Artist Choice
2011 Fluid, Caldas da Rainha
2021 Rastilho – Lisboa
VENTOSO | Urban Art Fest
2019 Alcântara – Lisboa
2018 WIP, Alcântara – Lisboa
CPC2017 – Prémio de Pintura
2017 Centro Português de Cardiologia
2017 Oficina da Cultura, Almada
2016 Museu José Malhoa, C. Rainha
Wine Bottle
2016 Casa Antero, C. Rainha
Loures Arte Pública
2016 Loures Arte Pública, Loures
AKA – Who is who?
2015 Casa Pia, Lisboa
A Cidade Vai ao Campo – Benficarte
2015 Aldeias Artísticas Festival
Castelo Branco
Letters Are What Matters
2015 SILOS, Caldas da Rainha
Subhum3tric – Benficarte
2015 Benficarte, Lisboa
Sardas das Caldas
2013 SILOS, Caldas da Rainha
2012 Cine-Incrivél, Almada
2022 Rock in Rio, Lisboa
2022 Mur Murs Festival, Monistrol
de Calders, Barcelona
2021 Stone Art Festival, Leiria
2021 Loures Arte Pública, Loures
2021 Galo Real, Serro Ventoso
2020 Urban Mobility – Emel, Lisboa
2019 Projeto Alcântara, Lisboa
2019 Inválidos do Comércio, Lisboa
2018 CD Póvoa da Galega, Amadora
2017 Casal São Brás, Amadora
2017 Loures Arte Pública Festival
2017 Imaginação das Cores, Lisboa
2017 Loures Arte Pública Festival
2016 Bairro Padre Cruz, Lisboa
2016 Loures Arte Pública Festival
2016 Gustave Eiffel, Amadora
2016 Route 118, Benfica do Ribatejo
2015 Vintage Mode, Sintra
2015 Campus Benfica, Lisboa
2015 Há Festa no Campo
2014 Music Hall Lisbon Hostel, Lisboa
2013 O Bairro i o Mundo Festival
2013 Imaginação das Cores, Lisboa
2013 Universidade Nova de Lisboa
2013 Reciclar o Olhar – GAU, Lisboa
2012 Cais, Lisboa
2012 Herói é o Povo, Lisboa
2012 Setúbal Mais Bonita, Setúbal
2012 Mobiliário Urbano, C.Rainha
2011 PLMJ, Lisboa
2009 Guilherme Coussul, Lisboa
2008 Casa da Boavista, Lisboa
2007 IADE / Street Art Contest, Lisboa
2015 Há Festa no Campo – Aldeias Artísticas
Castelo Branco
2021 Stone Art Festival – Leiria
2019 Ventoso – Lisboa
2018 OCTO – WIP, Lisboa
2015 AKA – Who is who? Lisboa
2015 A cidade vai ao campo
2015 Subhum3tric – Benficarte, Lisboa
2013 O Bairro i o Mundo, Loures
2012 Cine-Incrivél, Almada
[Photo] Gerador – 6 Faces da Mesma Moeda #26; March 2013; (link)
[Interview] Ctrl.Alt.RUA ; December 2015; (link)
[Interview] Courrier International ; August 2013; (link)
[Illustration] Sábado ; July 2013; (link)
[Photo] Notícias de Campolide; March 2013; (link)
[Interview] LUSA; April 2013; (link)
[Interview] SIC Notícias; April 2013; (link)
[Article] Alimentarte; February 2013; (link)
[Article] Revista CAIS ; December 2012; (link)
[Photo] Domingo, Correio da Manhã; October 2012; (link)
[Interview] Revista, Expresso; October 2012; (link)
Jornal Expresso; October 2012; (link)
International Herald Tribune; October 2012; (link)
New York Times; October 2012; (link)
Correio da Manhã; October 2012; (link)
Diário de Notícias; October 2012; (link)
Público; October 2012; (link)
Don’t Panic Portugal; May 2012; (link)
Gazeta das Caldas; May 2012; (link)
Agenda Cultural Almada; May 2012; (link)
Gazeta das Caldas; July 2011; (link)
[Interview] CM TV; July 2013; (link)
[Report] RTP; July 2013; (link)
[Report] ACIDI; July 2013; (link)
[Report] SIC Notícias; July 2013; (link)
[Video] Book a Street Artist; July 2013; (link
[Interview] TVI; October 2012; (link)
[Interview] EDP; June 2012; (link)
[Interview] TV Caldas; March 2012; (link)
[Interview] TV Caldas; August 2011; (link)
[Article] Mistura Urbana; August 2013; (link)
[Article] Typography Served; September 2011; (link)

..a space with cinematographic influences from Alice in Wonderland or Being John Malkovich…
Regarding freelance commissions or just to say hi, please feel free to contact.
Don’t forget to follow and share in socials.
+351 913 985 306
Rua Amélia Rey Colaço, 3A, Esc. 5
1500-037 Benfica – Lisboa
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